Tuesday, February 22, 2011
In my recent readings and re-readings of both GURDJIEFF & TAOISM and also some other materials I have, the possible connections between G & TAO seem more likely than most might suppose.....Those who see Gurdjieff as a'dancing' teacher and ' Tibetan Buddist' and also as an 'Esoteric Christian'have all plastered. pasted, and tacked on those labels and G,in his usual ways that he made good use of, allowed them to do so, since they had to all determine their own 'aims' if they had any....that is, axes to grind, even if to lop off their own heads with his help... My sense & feeling arises in this matter from several things, one being G's interest in ancient dolmens, the Caves at Lascaux France, and various 'shamans' and similar things.....TAOISM is essentially derived from SHAMANISM found in Asia, Siberia,etc. and also in Tibet,etc.....I am quite sure that G. in his study of 'tibetan' musice, rites, medicine, etc. became most versed and familiar with this. Other indications or 'clues' about this come from the various 'dualities' he mentions and makes use of,etc. and their extensions....YES & NO, for instance, are the workings of YIN & YANG and the insistence of G on MASCULINE & FEMININE is also well-known...certain 'alchemical' operations and 'yoga' etc. also seem to be 'taoistic' in his and others discussions of the WORK although not openly stated......I hope to point out more specific things as I go along this path of TAOISM...though temptations to leave it and go to other topics come to mind and bubble up as I try to do this..... If I can find what I have written on TAOISM which I misplaced or 'hid' from myself, I will try to post it on my blogs....this will perhaps annoy and irk some practitioners of TAOISM and 'NEW AGE' devotees, no doubt....but the goals and aims of Shamans is often to change how we perceive 'reality', 'existence', 'life' etc. and to open up things for us that ordinary life keeps from us....
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