Monday, November 26, 2012


"America is the 'backdoor' to Asia' is a statement attributed to Mr. Gurdjieff which I came across in a review of a new book which some might think rather 'odd' to make about the United States and especially so if nothing else can elucidate what Mr. Gurdjieff was implying or actually meant....                                             The same book that was reviewed reveals a number of things that many have not known perhaps about THE WORK, THE SYSTEM,etc. and, of course, about Mr. Gurdjieff the man and his family and life. I have yet to read the book but I found enough in the review of it to, as they say, 'wet(whet) my whistle(knife).                                                                           This statement is certainly true today for the United States, as not only more products from Asia are being sold here and more immigrants from there arriving daily and yearly, but also more 'American' going over to Asia and elsewhere for various reasons: from business, exporting jobs there, but also to teach,to learn, to travel, to work, etc.  The globalization of the world as it now exists in its present form(s) indeed has made The United States of American a backdoor to ASIA so much so that one need not leave its shores to join Zen, Yoga, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, etc. temples or Islamic Mosques and take up exotic arts such as, dances, music, martial arts, crafts, etc. but do so here without having to spend a lot of money and time in the lands of such things' origins.  As for cuisine, all the foods of Asia are found now in even the smallest villages in Vermont,New Hampshire, Maine, New York,etc. and not just in California as they once were...               Moreover,one can find various Asian cultural centers, and other things, such as, visiting performers from Asian lands, and also learn Asian languages in many ways from Native speakers,etc.                                     The Door to the Mysterious East is now WIDE OPEN via the UNITED STATES....a true back door to the world of ASIA.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


This is the name of the group in which I am posting various topics, some of which interest me and also on others than have less interest for me or for my aims,etc.  The members of this interesting and informative group all have made some energetic and exuberant postings, as well as a few that have stirred the pot, added some spice of controversy, and the usual seasonings.........Others invoke the 'PROTOCOL' either to rant for it or rant against it, and others to just keep things on 'an even keel' as they sail up and down, across and back, THE STREAMS & RIVERS that figure in much of the FOURTH WAY imagery......Some postings are erudite and 'scientific' while others appeal to the 'mystical/emotional/religious/etc' 'i's,machine(s), and so on.....Much of the discussion is apt to be, in my estimation, tipped towards the 'theoretical', the 'abstract', and make appeals to reason and rational thinking or special positions and stances and interests that sometimes carry one afield, though most are apt to have special associations that lure one in to the discussions, in a tempting manner.....Some participants lack an obvious sense of humor while others have a great deal of fun in innuendo, satire, irony, and the like......some step on toes and evoke the usual reactions to jabs and kicks and the like.....Great fun, great postings, and a sense of certain things 'GURDJIEFFIAN' if one can get off their 'official' soapboxes' even if they are in the open air of a park,which is,of course, FACE BOOK... This means that THE FOURTH WAY/THE WORK/ THE GURDJIEFF 'LEGACY' FOR MANKIND is now GLOBALIZED, accessible, available, and somewhat 'inexpensive' save for the efforts,energies, etc. one needs to actually work and access such..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I have recently joined  three FACE BOOK GROUPS that have very interesting and informative postings with some very talented and intelligent persons and I wish to mention that some of  these groups have a certain protocol to be followed that others may not wish to follow for all kinds of reasons...However, if one is serious,honest, and has an AIM these postings will prove stimulating and irritating in many ways and a good way to assess what you are thinking, feeling or trying as you do.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I have recently joined several groups that are discussing the FOURTH WAY, MR. GURDJIEFF, MR, OUSPENKY, and many others...I have posted a number of comments that have garnered interesting and most informative responses, comments, and suggestions, all of which I deeply appreciate, although perhaps some of my comments are a bit 'abrasive' and 'wiseacreing' etc. and occasionally not right on the topic but a sort of meandering of mine, a tendency that many do not tolerate or 'suffer'.                                                                                                                                                                                 Nevertheless, I plan to discuss and comment on certain aspects of THE FOURTH WAY when and if I have time to do so...and perhaps take up items that some do not pay much attention to or discuss or think about....let alone comment upon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mr. Gurdjieff has made a great influence on many persons, groups, and areas that are not always acknowledged, credited, accepted, or understood and that is to be expected in the contemporary world as it continues to exist and perhaps 'evolve' or is destroyed unless certain things are done by mankind.

The consequences of our actions and sometimes of our beliefs and prejudices are numerous and in our basic 'ignorance' of the laws that Mr. Gurdjieff expounded upon and taught to others, we have yet to understand or employ and so my blog is a very meager attempt to bring some of these things to their attention.

Those who consider themselves in the FOURTH WAY are sometimes mistaken in thinking and assuming they really are, but still we have to start somewhere, from where we are, however limited we are or however ignorant and prejudices we may be, and begin to make an effort to achieve AN AIM