Wednesday, December 30, 2009
In the 3rd Series of his writings(which is not the entire or perhaps actual work proposed) :LIFE IS REAL ONLY THEN,WHEN "I AM", GURDJIEFF seems to make what most Westerners and scholars of his work would consider, at the very least, 'A BOASTFUL CLAIM'. On page 30 of my edition by the above title, he says,"ForInstance the development of THE POWER OF THOUGHTS had been brought to such a level that by only a few hours of SELF-PREPARATION I could from a distance ot ten miles kill a yak,or,in 24 hours, could ACCUMULATE LIFE FORCES of such compactness that I could in 5 minutes put to sleep an elephant." For me, this further indicates that Gurdjieff may have been in Tibet,since the power to cause death over distance and The CONCENTRATION of THOUGHT through special methods is considered by most Tibetans to be an actual fact, at least in those days it was.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A few writers seriously doubt that Gurdjieff was ever in Tibet,much as those writeers who doubt that Madame Blavatsky was ever there. Some writers assume that in either instance or case, 'TIBET' is merely a word that has 'symbolic' rather than literal meaning(s) and this might well be the case that "TIBET' is an 'inner'experience,depending on several things that one must or should verify personally if possible. One clue to Gurdjieff's experience(s) in Tibet may well be the ENNEAGRAM. the ENNEAGRAM is a special reference system, a scale of measurement, that can serve as a 'GRID' that can also be overlaid on the human body, and in its mundane and practical applications,serve to locate certain precise points or locations on the human body, provided otehr things are utilized or manipulated to enable the one(s) using this PSYCHOCOSMOGRAM'for specific purposes, known best to them. This reference system is used in 'TIBETAN MEDICINE' and the 'enneagram' lines are usually somewhat varied from the final-exact one that Gurdjieff presented to the WEST. Gurdjieff,whether in the company of 'Tibetan' adepts or fellow 'TRUTH SEEKERS' ,seemed interested in various healing methods, especially those employing 'subtle' forces or 'energy' flows,channels, fluids,etc. whether induced by hypnosis, magnetism, drugs,. exercises,etc. according to what he and others have written. If Gurdjieff did set foot into Lhasa, he may well ahve 'studied' in some way or means at the Chagpori Medical College founded apparently around 1696 or at another one,the Mentsekhang College of Medicine and Astrology,founded in 1916. Gurdjieff's 'TIBETANISM' seems to flow from a non-monastic emphasis or version best known as 'FREE-FLOWING' TANTRICISM which is NOT dependent on 'celibracy' of any kind. MOreover, Gurdjieff's insistence and concern over 'ESSENCE' as opposed to 'personality', 'false self',etc relates to the Tibetan notion of 'PRIMORDIAL PURITY'. This form of 'TIBETAN TANTRA' bases its practices on an 'inner transformation' and the cultivation of dormant energies,which can be characterized(and are) as 'ALCHEMICAL' in the ESOTERIC SENSE. But knowing al this will not enable anyone to undergo such without the right effort and right kind of practice, as Gurdjieff well knew.
Friday, December 18, 2009
In the 1980's, after I returned from an eight year sojourn in South East Asia,mostly in the Philippines, I decided to renew my 'Gurdjieff Studies' among other interests I was pursuing at the time, and contacted the group that E.J.Gold headed up by buying some of the books, four, two video tapes, and also a 'picture' or sort of 'psychic' work that was said to be one of my 'essence' done by him, probably not exclusively, which I still have but have never opened or looked at and do not intend to do so,if at all until I am ready to exit everything. I also purchased, now that I recall, an audio tape of his which was interesting and discussed,mostly, whether or not Rembrandt had a school and,of course, compared it, in leading-up questions being evoked from those present at this 'banquet or meal-time'(they were and he was chewing on food, if I recall and so forth) to
gurdjieff's work,etc. Numerous phone calls to my residence from what I perceived as being those of 'young, charming, seductively-alluring voiced females extolled his genius, his abilities, his offerings(which were numerous, and urged me to come out to California or wherever he was located at the time and see for myself, perhaps to join and undertake the experiences and work possibly. I resisted the blandishments for several reasons, namely one that it would be expensive to up and move out there lock-stock,-and-barrel, to possibly join what might well be just another commune of 'hippies with a deeper philosophy,etc. E.J. and his followers were also wrapped up in Tibetan activities, that is, selling 'singing' bowls and other devices which were also very expensive but of 'the finest quality and tones'etc. so one of the young ladies assured me. When I bought the videos which were of the 'movments' the dances of Gurdjieff, she or another one( I can't recall their phone names anymore) even told me which dancer she was in the video and to look for her. I asked her some pointed questions as to one video which supposed to be one of Gurdjieff but she confessed that in the end, when G striped off his mask it was EJ and that the footage was not authentic stuff with G actually in it, but the shock of seeing this was, undoubtedly, devised to 'awaken' me in some way,etc. I asked her also if EJ or any of them had been to Tibet and if the bowls,etc. were from there, I think she said no to all of the questions and I surmised that EJ had and his followers had merely read and studied the literature on the subject that was there,etc. I decided not to buy any of the equipment that was 'Tibetan'. I was pursing some of my studies in Tibetan 'Wisdom' and had been in contact with a Tibetan monk in Nepal/India prior to coming back to the States. After purchasing the art work I soon lost contact with them and probably it was because I did not respond or react to my 'special portrait' as they might have expected and after moving away, I did not attempt to contact them again. Recently, after looking over my bookshelf with '
Gurdjieff Materials' I started reading the four books again and found some interesting things. I knew, of course, that his father had been a publisher of a science fiction magazine and that EJ had apparently written some himself, none of which I have read. I had seen his special '
AMERICAN BOOK OF THE DEAD in the stores somewhere but never felt compelled to buy it for obvious reasons, namely, I much actual Tibetan sources in a more direct manner. After looking at the books, I then went to the internet and searched for things on EJ and found quite a number of colorful sites and commercial enterprises(arts and crafts,etc.) being offered plus some u-tube videos of sorts that I added to my FACEBOOK PROFILE but really didn't watch that closely or listen to,again for obvious reasons, but the main one is that I do not have a computer. I then came across a rather rambling document that someone had placed in which some rather amusing revelations about EJ and her 'lover' were mentioned and some experiences that were made to appear that certain psychic/astral powers rendered 'psychotic' that is, enough to seek help and treatment, all of which makes me suspicious in that it seems more like an advertisement for those who are seeking certain 'powers' and 'pyschic' abilities rather than avoiding such. Anyone reading it may disagree with me,of course, but as to detering anyone from studying EJ's ideas seems remote unless one is a strict 'fundamentalist'. At the same time there is another document shown on the internet that praised EJ and extolls him. So take your pick. The important thing to remember is that EJ GOLD IS NOT ANOTHER GURDJIEFF, no matter how talented, artistic, intelligent, creative, or fascinating he may be, simply because HE DOES NOT COME FROM THE SAME SOURCE AS GURDJIEFF nor has he done anything like what Gurdjieff did or experienced,which is not to say that EJ Gold does not resemble and re-assemble some things that can be gleaned from the available literature or from groups that originally studied with Gurdjieff or his close pupils at some time.
gurdjieff's work,etc. Numerous phone calls to my residence from what I perceived as being those of 'young, charming, seductively-alluring voiced females extolled his genius, his abilities, his offerings(which were numerous, and urged me to come out to California or wherever he was located at the time and see for myself, perhaps to join and undertake the experiences and work possibly. I resisted the blandishments for several reasons, namely one that it would be expensive to up and move out there lock-stock,-and-barrel, to possibly join what might well be just another commune of 'hippies with a deeper philosophy,etc. E.J. and his followers were also wrapped up in Tibetan activities, that is, selling 'singing' bowls and other devices which were also very expensive but of 'the finest quality and tones'etc. so one of the young ladies assured me. When I bought the videos which were of the 'movments' the dances of Gurdjieff, she or another one( I can't recall their phone names anymore) even told me which dancer she was in the video and to look for her. I asked her some pointed questions as to one video which supposed to be one of Gurdjieff but she confessed that in the end, when G striped off his mask it was EJ and that the footage was not authentic stuff with G actually in it, but the shock of seeing this was, undoubtedly, devised to 'awaken' me in some way,etc. I asked her also if EJ or any of them had been to Tibet and if the bowls,etc. were from there, I think she said no to all of the questions and I surmised that EJ had and his followers had merely read and studied the literature on the subject that was there,etc. I decided not to buy any of the equipment that was 'Tibetan'. I was pursing some of my studies in Tibetan 'Wisdom' and had been in contact with a Tibetan monk in Nepal/India prior to coming back to the States. After purchasing the art work I soon lost contact with them and probably it was because I did not respond or react to my 'special portrait' as they might have expected and after moving away, I did not attempt to contact them again. Recently, after looking over my bookshelf with '
Gurdjieff Materials' I started reading the four books again and found some interesting things. I knew, of course, that his father had been a publisher of a science fiction magazine and that EJ had apparently written some himself, none of which I have read. I had seen his special '
AMERICAN BOOK OF THE DEAD in the stores somewhere but never felt compelled to buy it for obvious reasons, namely, I much actual Tibetan sources in a more direct manner. After looking at the books, I then went to the internet and searched for things on EJ and found quite a number of colorful sites and commercial enterprises(arts and crafts,etc.) being offered plus some u-tube videos of sorts that I added to my FACEBOOK PROFILE but really didn't watch that closely or listen to,again for obvious reasons, but the main one is that I do not have a computer. I then came across a rather rambling document that someone had placed in which some rather amusing revelations about EJ and her 'lover' were mentioned and some experiences that were made to appear that certain psychic/astral powers rendered 'psychotic' that is, enough to seek help and treatment, all of which makes me suspicious in that it seems more like an advertisement for those who are seeking certain 'powers' and 'pyschic' abilities rather than avoiding such. Anyone reading it may disagree with me,of course, but as to detering anyone from studying EJ's ideas seems remote unless one is a strict 'fundamentalist'. At the same time there is another document shown on the internet that praised EJ and extolls him. So take your pick. The important thing to remember is that EJ GOLD IS NOT ANOTHER GURDJIEFF, no matter how talented, artistic, intelligent, creative, or fascinating he may be, simply because HE DOES NOT COME FROM THE SAME SOURCE AS GURDJIEFF nor has he done anything like what Gurdjieff did or experienced,which is not to say that EJ Gold does not resemble and re-assemble some things that can be gleaned from the available literature or from groups that originally studied with Gurdjieff or his close pupils at some time.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The MOST PREPOSTEROUS EXPECTATIONS of MANKIND are: l. that they will live after death. 2. that they will survive after death. 3.that a few words said in prayer will ensure their passage to paradise or heaven or some ceremony will get them there after death. 4.that a few hours of meditation will enable one to know God.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
PSYCHOCOSMOGRAMS are elaborate diagrams considered and constructed as 'spiritual','sacred', 'cosmic(not comic)' and consist of YANTRA & MANDALA,which are treated usually as separate topics under various categories and 'esoteric' studies or practices.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
'PRE-SAND EGYPT' implies more likely a pristine,Edenci State, perhaps really an indication of man's original state before culture corrupted him or what ever, that is, MAN'S ORIGINAL STATE OF BEING. 'PRE-SAND EGYPT' perhaps represents the ESSENCE or ORIGINAL MAN who, when sand covered the land became 'ASLEEP'. As an actual map, the one Gurdjieff is said to have copied and studied and taken to Egypt, if it really existed, covered an area far greater and more ext ensive than the present 'political' boundaries of today, and perhaps included NUBIA, THE SUDAN, EITHIOPIA/ABYSSINIA/ETC. and possibly all of AFRICA, which modern scientists tend to consider where mankind true origins lie and where they migrated from to other areas of the world,although some claim other areas, like CENTRAL ASIA,etc. There are other considerations, examples, analogies,etc. for this particular topic. Construct your own 'MAP OF PRE-SAND EGYPT' .
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
PRE-SAND EGYPT: Did GURDJIEFF really have once in his possession an actual map of PSE? And how did he know it was just such a map?
Monday, November 23, 2009
The secret teachings and talks of Gurdjieff are that only in that they were delivered or given to many specific groups in various settings and with varied results but also not presented in the usual manners such things are usually done or which others expect. Those who were present often made surreptitious notes or wrote them down from memory after undergoing such 'ordeal's, like THE TOAST OF THE IDIOTS, but that is another matter. I will place these as separate topics with not much elaboration but those who study them can perhaps find some of them stated in other ways in other writings and books, that deal with the FOURTH WAY exactly and in other systems that tend to hint about certain ideas.
I wish to continue this but had to stop originally because an important real estate person was in the bank looking for a copy of a newspaper and since Ihad one, gave it to him and we started a conversation on many 'topics' but were able to sustain it far more than the ordinary person is capable of, and since it involves the notion of 'CONSIDERING' which is something so few in a Western Society understand, unless it is having to confront armed authorities, rich millionaires, and others, they seldom do, preferring much to maintain their 'precious individualism' as well as often lack of courtesy, especially for elders. Upon ending the conversation with the gentleman I literally had to show him the actual door so he could get out as he was trying to utilized a door that requires a punch-in code and when I told him about it, he thought we were being locked in the bank, not realizing it is a security system for employees,etc. which door is next to the computer I use there since it allows me to print off materials(all free of course). Although it would be most easy to claim this is due to aging on his part, it actually involves a bit of 'NON' SELF REMEMBERING which is often impeded by drugs, alcohol and other things but not always, as some persons will quite likely point out in varied ways. The picture of GURDJIEFF supposedly shows him in TASHKENT but I have certain doubts as the backdrop seems to have trees painted on it that may not be indigenous to that area. The relationship that Gurdjieff supposedly has is based on conjecture and rumour but some other things arise as well. For one thing, a cousin of G's became a note sculptor(of death masks) under the Soviet Regime and also this cousin had been exposed to some of G's ideas,etc. but also G & Stalin worked for the TSARIST SECRET SERVICE, which should suprise no one, since many occultists, including Dr. Dee and Madame B and Aleister C have been accused as being such-spy occultists. There are plenty of others that I may mention another time. Gurdjieff had, at one time, considered making or taking his Institute back to Russia but some stipulations by the Soviets made him apparently change his mind. He also changed his mind about Germany where he is also rumoured to have 'influenced' certain groups there, some of which might be considered 'Nazi' or those who were who had 'occult leanings' of course. There is not time to mention all this since many who encounter the ideas and system and teachings of Gurdjieff undoubtedly either pervert them or attenuate them or distort them in all kinds of ways.
Some years ago when I read some of the various books on Gurdjieff and especially that of OUSPENSKY, I also came across a 'portrait' or photograph of Gurdjieff that I will now discuss. The first reference to this photo in Ouspensky's IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS in which he mentions seeing this portrait that some years afterwards I was able to see in another book by another author. In the edition of ISOFTM on page 341, O writes, and I quote,"there was an interesting portrait of G" and goes on to say, "G's portrait determined for me .....what his profession was at the time." This revelation by O about G intrigued me and I immediately jumped to two conclusions, that is, assumptions that might have 'undoubted accuracy': one, he was a 'pimp' or procurer or 'white slaver' or some other related activity of the time; two, he was a 'priest' or in the seminary,etc. In other works, the photo is displayed as that of 'hypnotist' or possible 'healer' or whatever, either that of a 'charlatan' or 'mountebank' since the pose is sort of "Napoleonic' in that G has his right hand inside his jacket and over his heart(center). His feet are in a sort 'military' stance.
Friday, November 20, 2009
In the same NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE(December 2009) that I mentioned in my blog THE WAY OF THE MONK, there is an article on the UYGURS, a Chinese Moslem group, that is under scrutiny as well as persecution, somewhat similar to that the Tibetans are undergoing, it would seem, by the Chinese government that seeks,of course, to exploit the underlying wealth in the reserves of oil, minerals,etc. and to open the land up for industrialization ,etc. This area is also known as TURKESTAN but the section of it is called CHINESE TURKESTAN(East) and includes some of Gurdjieff's old stomping grounds" KASHGAR, a city to the western part, and the TAKLA-MAKAN(Taklimakan) DESERT. This is part of the Chinese province of SINKIANG. The Uygurs are not Han Chinese, of course, and since they are Moslem and speak a different tongue, of which a knowledge of Turkish would allow communication, they are probably some of the people from whom Gurdjieff learned some of his martial arts which he placed under a certain name which I have mentioned in the topic,GURDJIEFF & THE MARTIAL ARTS in this blog. The area is also important for other reasons, namely, the various 'healing' methods that Gurdjieff picked up which I will deal with another time, probably under another topic.
Mention of his PARIS PANTRY can be found in many works on G and also in works by his disciples that are frequently cited, but very little attention has been paid or payed to the actual contents of this closet/pantry save for a few passing references to spices,etc. that some claim came from Tibet,etc. The photo(s) that show it are not exactly clear in the books and need to be amplified or 'blown-up' to see what is exactly on them. Right now I do not have the time or means to exactly do this sort of 'investigation' which many will,undoubtedly,consider a complete waste of time and energy to show WHAT? To my bent of mind and to my 'peculiar inclination(s)',however, I think this area has been much neglected because one can often tell a good deal about people from what is upon their shelves(another term for what they might contain,if you get my drift). In this case, I am not looking for 'skeletons' but spices and other 'ingredients', unusual 'foods' and herbs,etc. that might well be seen in this pantry that G assembled and used for other things besides mere 'cooking'!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Many of the writers on Gurdjieff miss some items that might be not only interesting but contain some things seldom considered. Most of the writers,and rightly so, concentrate on his teachings or other important events in his life and that of his pupils, so they tend to overlook some things that I,personally, would like to mention and also to know more about,not just from idle curiousity, but because of my 'unique' experience(s). IN VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, The EarlyTalks of Gurdjieff,in the edition I have, it says on page 11,or rather describes a number of things that to the average reader might seem unimportant and 'staged' by G to create a certain effect, to arouse some kind of emotions, and to allow certain impressions to emerge. While this might be very well true, the items listed are merely mentioned and not discussed, and if the description of such is correct and honest and true,then some consideration of them might demonstrate what I sense about this. As a martial arts enthusiast, the listing of 'ancient weapons' to include :"some slings,yataghans,daggers,and other things" on one of the walls caught my eye as such are not usually found decorating walls except when it comes from having been in places usually where such things are found and used(except in some cases where they do serve as mere decoration). The other description mentioned on the same page concerns some'small ivory statues of different sizes' which the writer of the story,"GLIMPSES OF TRUTH" claims to have recognized as: CHRIST,BUDDHA,MOSES & MAHOMET! The others he did not recognize simply because he probably couldn't see them clearly or didn't know what they meant or were about. SURPRISINGLY, no one has discussed this as to why such statues were there and what it implies. First, a statue of Christ might well be indicative of ordinary Christianity,religion,etc. that is often found in many homes around the world but to be in the company of BUDDHA is another matter,and many statues of this type are called 'buddhas' when obviously they are not always that but represent other figures in Buddhism,Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism,etc. The statue of MOSES might well be most identifiable as 'a bearded figure with two tablets of the Law clutched to his breast or held in his arms. If so, this figure is more of a Hebrew icon, although some Christian groups might well possess or have such a representation of Moses. Were these mass produced by the way? One can find innumerable statues of saints,madonnas,apostles,etc. of course. The last figure is one that nowadays would provoke much discussion and controversy,namely a FIGURE OF MOHAMMED(Mahomet is another way of spelling). If the sources of Gurdjieff's teachings were from all three sources then it has a great significance,indeed, if one cares to 'unlock the mystery' and to trace the ancient sources of these four figures. The exoteric aspect of these four religious figures is,of course, apparent. IT IS THE ESOTERIC ASPECTS THAT ELUDE THE OBSERVER,that is, the teaching that are hidden but suggested by these figures.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
These ideas of scale and degree will enable one to determine certain things about oneself if one is honest. Take a statement,, like, 'I LIKE ANIMALS' and try to see what it really means in relation to yourself,personally. Do you like all animals, do you like them only in certain situations or environments,like zoos, farms, pet shops? Do you like them enough to stop eating them, (those that you eat daily or whatever) or killing them,from shooting, running over them in your cars, stepping on bugs,etc. that do belong to the animal kingdom so to speak? Then take a statement, "I like cats" DO YOU? Or do you only like certain cats? Do you like all cats and where do you like them: in pet stores or on TV or in your house and if you do the latter, how many cats can you stand in your house? (We read stories,horrendous somtimes of animal abuse by old ladies enarmoured of cat care). Do you like your cat when he or she claws,scratches, or bites you? do you like your cat to cough up hairballs on your bed or sofa or nice expensive rug? Will you cry when your cat dies? By 'slot substitution' that is, placing other nouns in the subject space, you can perhaps arrive at what is being said here. If you put in "I like---------" such as, dogs, horses, cows, pigs, apes,children, people,etc. all kinds of classes and orders what will you see? By considering the notion of SCALE going from your house, your car, your neighborhood, your city,state, nation,continent,etc. you will see what is involved and how everyone actually lies when they make these all-inclusive,umbrella,blanket assertions, statements, claims,etc. From the scale of my house and my living room,etc. I can say,honestly,"I tend to like my cat" but from the DEGREE aspect, this might not be true. For example, I might not like my cat when she jumps on the table or when she claws the carpet or bits my leg and I certainly do not want the big cats, lions and tigers in my living room or attic! Most people when they say they like animals, cats, dogs,etc. never think of the poop to scoop, the place where they live or roam(like jungles and deserts and mountains,etc.) For anyone to say, I like lions is another big lie unless you like them in cages or on TV documentaries or photos or in circuses. The degree and the scale of things must enter into our considerations but they only do when we are trying to actually survive and avoid certain things. We all say,"I hate crime, I hate war, I hate poverty,etc. etc." but such statements are virtually meaningless and only serve to assist the negative impressons and influences that exist,especially when we endow them with our energy. Those of you who are reading this can supply your own examples and are intelligent to see this but the problem is that most of you will forget it as soon as you stop reading this and will not apply it to your daily life.
On page 5(five) of my edition,Ouspensky mentions the notion of 'SCHOOLS' and set out on his journeys to find some. These particular schools are ESOTERIC and the record of his success in Asia is in this book. The important thing I think is that Ouspensky does not make the claim to find PERSONS who might show him the things he is looking for apparently or TEACHERS per se but SCHOOLS as if he could enroll in a class curriculum in esoteric studies. This intellectual approach is heady stuff and not to be ignored but there are other things that are important. Upon reading other works by Ouspensky and others who worked with Gurdjieff, no matter how slightly, one comes away with a feeling that Ouspenksy never ever or hardly ever, got the 'message' or was on the same 'wave-length' as Gurdjieff except on an intellectual basis that need some study if one is to understand that this feature of Ouspenksy perhaps blinded him to actual possibilites and experiences.
This book by P.D. Ouspensky is an account that G.I. GURDJIEFF in his special way acknowledged as being a good record of sorts about what happened when Ouspensky was first introduced to the FOURTH WAY. As fascinating as it is, one has to see beyond what is said, even if one thinks one understands or senses certain aspects,for there are certain levels to be looked at that are not apparent. For example, in other works that can be read with some purpose and from which some things can be gleaned also, Gurdjieff says that if OUSPENSKY 'really understood what he had written' then he, G, would bow down to him,but the implication is that neither Ouspensky or those who read him understand what is written there. SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It means that without the 'practical' work that Gurdjieff included one will only go as far as those appreciative intellectuals that gathered around both Ouspensky and Gurdjieff, and also some of those who gathered around the so-called 'lesser lights', like Bennett,etc.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
'THE HERALD OF COMING GOOD' was written and published by Gurdjieff in Paris,France around 1933 but the edition I have in English was published by SAMUEL WEISER New York in 1971. This book subtitled 'FIRST APPEAL TO CONTEMPORARY HUMANITY' an introduction to the 'basics' and 'aims' and a few other things offered to the public but which MR. G said they would be better off not reading.
It moight surprise you,as it did me, when I decided to research this, that P.L TRAVERS better known for being 'MARY POPPINS', that is who wrote the novel on the magical Nanny that captivated movie goers, had written an excellent book on GURDJIEFF that I personally recommend, if you can find it, for its clear, concise description that does sum up what many might like to know, of what is possible to know of Mr. Gurdjieff, without going into any extremes or elaborate details. The book is titled: GEORGE IVANOVITCH GURDJIEFF, published in my copy by TRADITIONAL STUDIES PRESS, copyright 1973 and was taken from an article that appeared in the occult,etc. encyclopedia called MAN,MYTH AND MAGIC(which I have in my library in both hard cover and some paper editions.
MR. GURDJIEFF was considered by many to have a 'higher' BEING and to have created for himself a 'SOUL' all of which many of his followers either exaggerated or misunderstood and so made some 'devotional' considerations and statements that perhaps he would have ignored or destroyed in their presences,such as they were. More on this at another time.
There is a vast body of FALSE KNOWLEDGE that plagues the modern world and it has a great allurement,seducing the minds of both young and old while it masquerades as 'DIVINE' or 'SCIENTIFIC' or 'HEALTHY'. These three 'systems' of FALSE KNOWLEDGE all have 'good' intentions' even if based on half-truths or complete 'lies'. Advocates of these systems of FALSE KNOWLEDGE arise daily and establish trends that appeal and form an addiction to their various stimuli. The dangers of FALSE KNOWLEDGE are NOT to be ignored or denied, though the temptations to do so are extremely great and compelling, as any excursion, real or unreal, full-hearted or half-hearted, along THE PATH OF FALSE KNOWLEDGE will prove.
The travels of Gurdjieff also need elucidating because moderns have some peculiar notions nowadays about such,especially with all the fuss and bother about passports, heightened and mindless security, immigration(legal or illegal) etc. plus all the means that exist now for travel,like flights,cheap or expensive, to various geographic areas that utilize special tours for those who cannot find their way around the world by themselves or for themselves. A lot of people traveling are on 'a mission' of some sort, if only to garner 'souvenirs' many of which they can now purchase without leaving home at Wal-Mart of TJ MAXX. The contributions of such 'travelers' and 'pilgrims' involve hotels, resorts, spas, ocean lineers, rental cars, etc. plus banks for currency exchanges,etc.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
There are two contradictory sayings that can evoke a sense of dealing with the same problem that plagues modern society,culture, & 'civilization': The first is, 'NEVER PUT OFF FOR TOMMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY" which many are fond of quoting, expounding and preaching. The second is" NEVER DO TODAY WHAT YOU CAN DO TOMMORROW!" which is the more accurate and descriptive one operating that everyone tends to follow in all or some or many ways.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
THOUGHTS surging in the brains of people, those machines that 'think','feel', and 'move' are fragile. Our individual thoughts will perish as will our individual feelings and there will not be mu;ch trace of our individual movements. THIS IS A LOSS OF IMMORTALITY that all of us think is our birthright,our destiny, our 'reward' for mere belief or some kinds of actions opposed to others. Think carefully what is written here and try to digest it if you can. Few will, preferring to think that their thoughts, feelings and actions(movements) are important, even 'cosmically significant' and that all kinds of 'angelic','demonic', 'alien' watchers and beings and so forth are deeply concerned with them. the evidence of mass graves around the world should convince us, unless we choose as most tend to do, to ignore them, that life for most people is pain, poverty, and meaniningless as GREAT NATURE & THE GREAT UNIVERSE absorb the contents of these graves.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Theory of Eternal Recurrence is an involved and often abstract set of notions that require an understanding of various dimensions,which to the popular mind, usually goes no further than the FOURTH DIMENSION, which has received a good deal of attention in physics and astronomy and related studies of science and mathematics. Going beyond the NEWTONIAN conceptions and the theories of EINSTEIN and others, that need to be included, a study of various dimensions may help or hinder the understanding of THE THEORY OF ETERNAL RECURRENCE. Simply stated, the theory asserts that everything in ordinary time will be repeated EXACTLY as it was evolved or as it happened,over and over, in tremendous repetitions, that do not offer any way to change. It is not exactly like the notions of popular theories of reincarnation,etc. FOR EXAMPLE, if you were born in 1956, then you will always be born in 1956, sort of doomed to repeat all of your life experiences and events. The possiblity of changing your FATE/DESTINY/RECURRENCE exists but that involves some practices that need a lot of explanation not to mention actual practice so that change can happen. As one progresses along with this theory in intellectual understanding, an emotional understanding is also needed. Unfortunately, what is often known to the mental mechanisms is not felt emotionally and so another aspect of existence is missed or left out or ignored or lost.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
G, as GURDJIEFF was often called in reference to his presence, once said, " I TEACH THAT WHEN IT RAINS, THE PAVEMENT GETS WET"!
If you have listed under the periods of 7(seven) years, such as, 1-7; 7-14; 14-21,etc, than you are seeing perhaps TRAJECTORY of your BEING,your LIFE,your EXISTENCE, your FATE, your DESTINY. Now these have to be connected or hitched to the THREE LAWS OF ACCIDENT; FATE & WILL.
A INFLUENCES are the general life turnovers and experiences common to man,ust as sheep experience eating grass and herding. These things are created WITHOUT intention(they just are) and are MECHANICAL in both ORIGIN(they arise automatically and spontaneously) and ACTION(theygo up and down, or down and up,etc).
There are three laws that operate and to discuss them takes effort. Briefly, these three laws are: THE LAW OF ACCIDENT;. THE LAW OF FATE; and THE LAW OF WILL. The Law of Accident has been briefly discussed previously. But these laws also affect CHARACTER. THE LAW OF ACCIDENT states that an event can happen WITHOUT any connection with the line(or lines) of events we are observing, such as, flying in a plane or speeding down a superhighway,etc. Rather than dwell on 'what seemingly' caused the accident,and theorizing on possible preventions,etc. simply accept that accidents happen. THE LAW OF FATE refers to only things with which a man or person is born. One's character, as has been said, determines one's FATE,but more on this later on. THE LAW OF WILL: consists of our own will and that of others,but to have will, every intentional action can be only called the result of one's will if one is capable of INTENDING & WILLING!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The problem of the wolf, the rabbit, and the cabbage is usually solved by means of the Intellect,though most grow soon weary at the tedious solution(s) they attempt. PRIDE OF INTELLECT exhibits itself usually when we solve it 'correctly',that is, logically,rationally,but the REAL SOLUTION has to lie in CHARACTER and, as pointed out, CHARACTER is 'destiny',that is, character determines(barring accidents) your FATE. FOR EXAMPLE, the real goal of this problem is to get ALL THREE(3) OBJECTS ACROSS THE RIVER(whether a raging river or not) and to get them INTACT! Now some people will focus on the boat,sort of like Lot's wife looking back at Sodom and Gommorah,forgetting what the Buddha said about the 'raft of life'. So what does this mean,really mean? For the majority of people it means 'physically', for others, a small few, it means 'mentally' and for a rarer few, 'emotionally'. Can you see, understand, or sense what is involved here? If you kill the wolf to save the rabbit and the cabbage, or kill the rabbit to feed yourself and/or the wolf, or eat the cabbage and give the rabbit to the wolf, what does any of this say about your character? These three things(3) you have have and are 'RESPONSIBLE' for! WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THEM? WHAT are the rabbit, the cabbage, the wold? If you can answer this question then perhaps you will see how CHARACTER operates here.
To understand the LAW OF SEVEN, the easier way is to examine your life periods in this manner: 0-7(or 1-7,although you must account for conception); 7-14;14-21; 21-28;28-35;35-42; 42-49; 49-56;56-63;63-70;70-77; 77-84; 84-91; 91-97; 97-106;etc. You will see that many do not get beyond the 13th period of life and others perish before even the first is over! But the lesson here is that you should list down the significant(at least to you) events under each period you have undergone thus far in life. Take 0-7: I was born, went to kindergarten, went to grade school(1st-2nd grades), my parents divorced, my father attempted suicide before the divorce and then went off to WWII, my mother took my sister and went off with the man who ostensibly broke up the home, married him,etc. My dog skippy was taken to the vets and put down because when we moved from Kenyon St. to Bible Hill to a farm, the dog was accused of killing chickens and it turned out to the man-who-ran-off- with- my- mother's dog! Well, I could go on and on about my early days in this period, of course, and,no doubt, psychologists and others can come up with numerous theories as to why I am the way I am today! The point is that I am now in the TENTH PERIOD OF MY LIFE and this,of course, means that TIME IS RUNNING OUT AND TIME IS DEVOURING ME! During the early periods of life, barring accidents, we seem to have all the time in the world!
For anything or ANYONE to last an eternity, it requires an ETERNITY OF PREPARATION!
Friday, September 4, 2009
G indicated that it is sometimes better to do nothing or do something no one else does! If you do what everyone else in life does where does it lead?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I came early, in childhood and youth, to a version of the 'STOP EXERCISE' but it was many years afterwards before I knew what it really was and how valuable it really is/was in all we attempt to "DO".
In the WORLD, no CONSCIOUS WORK, or effort, is ever wasted. It is only the mechanical, unconscious things that tend to be wasted. But, conscious work and effort involves INTENTIONAL SUFFERING which it seems only saints and heroes, and martyrs and a rare few others understand,but their ways need not be ours.
Monday, August 31, 2009
This book by GURDJIEFF is considered his 'second' work of note and many viewpoints of it or about it exist, of course. Most writers on Gurdjieff have not really tried to visit or study the areas that Gurdjieff mentions in this work or try to analyze some things G says. In future blogs I hope to point out these areas and what they might really mean and indicate, though I am hampered in doing this in many ways.
In MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN, Gurdjieff claims that in his youth he was 'enthusiastic' about Japanese Ju-jutsu(which in the book I have, spells the art correctly in English, as the more common form is usually spelled 'jiu'jitsu'. He mentions this on page 141, where he describes how he met SOLOVIEV by aiding him in a fight at a restaurant.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The old saying, which has many applications, that 'the hand is quicker than the eye' also means that ACTION IS FASTER THAN REACTION! As you know Gurdjieff from my blog made some contributions to martial arts which most writers on his life have largely ignored. In the book, MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN(which has been also made into a movie by Peter Brook) G(to which he is often referred by) on page 48(forty-eight) that book states: 'STRIKE-and you will not be struck. BUT if you do not strike-they will beat you to death..."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
There are three lines of endeavors that most people attempt to try. These can also be called three directions or three 'forces' and these have been mentioned before in other topics and blogs, perhaps. The point is that people start well and then lose the line of their efforts because of the 3 FORCES: A,B,& C!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
GURDJIEFF makes some references to certain martial arts principles and the art of jiujitsu and other things that deserve study and analysis. This particular area of Gurdjieff and martial arts has been completely ignored by most writers on his life as they tend to focus on his teachings and life in general and are interested in other facets of his life. In future discussions I will try to point out his 'contributions',his understandings of the principles, and possibly where he learned a good deal of these things about martial arts. Here, I will only say, that he may well have learned some 'kungfu' being practiced by certain Islamic groups close to China,some of whom, have only of late become known to martial arts historians and scholars.
Some writers on Gurdjieff have expressed the notion that many of the travels and experiences of Gurdjieff are 'imaginary',that is, contrived and constructed to give an elaborate, unverifiable history of himself, his ideas, his 'system', and so forth. These writers often rely on the sensational aspects of all his life, especially as reported in various newspapers and by those who are critics or hostile detractors. In much the same way the travels of Madame Blavatsky have also been treated or considered,depending on the writers and what they have said, of course. We could also include in this 'THE TRAVELS OF JESUS',since some theories, all of which are fascinating to be sure, but again based on somewhat conjecture, stretched points, and incomplete, intangible evidence. Indeed, the Travels of Marco Polo and a few others have also fallen into this area of not being credible or believble,but these are all for other discussions. We do know that Gurdjieff did travel in Russia and around his home area and also to Europe, namely Germany,France, and England and then to the US. He is buried in France. I shall examine his writings and other things to try and bring some sense to his travels,which,to me seem,without serious doubt, to have taken him to certain areas that only now are we coming to know, as the present wars and strife in them have brought us there for many reasons.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
In life we have a great problem that needs to be solved by each of us in some way or another. Most of us fail miserably at this, despite what we say or think or what others tell us. The problem seems rather simple and logical to most when they are confronted with it in its various forms, which take that of a sort of puzzle to be solved. It involves three things, actually, four. You as a human, a man or a woman, or whatever, and three other life forms: a cabbage or head of lettuce; a rabbit, and a wolf. No doubt, you may have encountered this problem in formal logic classes if you happened to have taken any. Ths problem is this: You have to cross a river in a small boat that will only allow you to carry one of the three things across so you have to leave two of the others on the shore and come back and go again and then do the same thing until all three,the wold,the rabbit, the cabbage are all on the same side of the river with you after the necessary crossings in the boat. This problem is somewhat related to the topic,FOOD FOR THE GODS, under GREAT NATURE,since all forms of life need other forms of life to exist and every form of life is a form of food for other forms in some ways, many not readily apparent. The wolf eats the rabbit; the rabbit eats the cabbage, Man seldom eats the wolf but he does eat the rabbit and the cabbage. BUT, the TASK is to get all of these things across the river in the small boat that only accomodates you, the rower, and one object,either rabbit, wolf or cabbage. Most persons who tackle this are able to figure out logically how to do this but I daresay few could actually perform the PHYSICAL aspects of this thing if they were forced to do so! Also, there is the important and neglected EMOTIONAL aspect to this. If you look at this problem from all three aspects it may show you something about yourself. Post your comments and solutions here and I will discuss this futher. Thank You.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
There are three important PRESENTERS of GURDJIEFF and his ideas/system/writings,etc. that all students of the esoteric,occult, and related topics should consider, as well as a vast constellation of others that will be discussed from time to time, whcn necessary and relevant. Mention should be made also of the various critical, detracting, and pseudo groups and individuals that exist and who may be discussed here for a fuller understanding of what is involved in any consideration of GURDJIEFF. Some tend to separate the man from the teachings and practices,while others tend to glorify and perhaps deify the man. Many, if not most, of those acquainted with GURDJIEFF that have not considered or studied his writings per se, know of these ideas and practices from the writings and efforts,.minimal or super, of the three that will be mentioned now: OUSPENSKY, ORAGE, & BENNETT.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Like so many people concerned with Gurdjieff, I became acquainted with the 'ideas' through his more prominent exponent, one famous before G, as to which Gurdjieff was often referred, namely P>D> Ouspensky. It was in 1957, the year before I graduated from the University of New Hampshire where I was somewhat majoring in the minimum courses of Psychology when I came across a book in the college library that arrested my attention every time I passed by the new acquisitions shelves. Every time I looked at the hardcover volume I was drawn by the photo of Ouspensky on the back bookcover and thumbing through its table of contents,etc. I eventually and finally took it out and read it. Needless to say, this book,entitled THE FOURTH WAY changed nearly all my views on not only psychology and mankind but on certain aspects of life and the Universe and probably this same book has done so for many others around the world where English is spoken and read.
GURDJIEFF,the Great Enigma,the Unknowable, had two kinds of children:his real, apparent children and those who 'inherited' hhis methods, practices, dances, movements, documents, writings, teaching and other aspects of his 'SYSTEM'. The life of Gurdjieff can be split into 'three' significant sections: his childhood and youth(formative years?); his middle life; and the FINAL PERIOD,although it can also be considered in terms of WWI,The Russian Revolution, and WWII. Either way you cut it, either way you spit it, the Life of Gurdjieff whether as described true or false,real or imaginary, as gleaned from his own writings and accounts of his various activities or books by his 'disciples' or detractors, his life is a most fascinating and intriguing life, from which we can learn much if we truly look, observe, and meditate.
Fourth Way,
G.I. Gurdjieff,
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